The World of Ilah
—After the Divines realised there wasn't life possible in the dark void for Their creations, They left. All but one. Ilah, one of the smaller Divines remained, never giving up hope He could find a way to nurture the concept He got so attached to. He tried, and failed, and tried again – until one day, He created a sphere from His own essence in the hope that would suffice to keep His creations alive. He wept, as exhilaration engulfed the world He created, nourishing the beings He named humans—
For millennia, humans lived in prosperity under the grace of those they worshipped. Each country formed their own unique culture, their own ideologies, and their own differences. During the Dirantheal Crisis in 3502 aR, humanity's fate took a turn when the Divine Ilah created the Eterna. Ilah is the world where the story takes place, and is divided over 6 landmasses of which 5 are inhabited and watched over by the Five, the first Eterna ever to be created almost 9000 years ago.
Ruled under Divine Law by Ihzo, the First Eterna.
Being the largest landmass of the entire planet, Dirantheal was not the first to be created but the second. Next to Aemin, Dirantheal thrives with the most diversity in species, landscapes and human civilizations. Due to tension between the two Divine Rulers of Dirantheal and Aemin, both countries don't fare too well with each other, dooming Dirantheal to stay behind technology-wise.
Ruled under Divine Law by Manasseh, the Second Eterna.
Aemin is the very first landmass ever to be created on Ilah. The Serendis gem, only to be found in Aemin's northern mountains, is the source that gave the entire world power and opportunity to grow. It's the only country on the planet to still have a few Elesraen societies, secured in the snow valleys of Asro and the pink forests in Emoraen.
Ruled under Divine Law by Ahzer, the Fifth Eterna.
Known for its fertile soil, Nirea is the pillar for trading goods with the other countries. With Aemin's help to provide them with Serendis technology, the capital Nalise is the source for the country's welfare. From ricefields to fruitful farmlands, Nirea has established its signature cuisine in the neighbouring countries.
Formerly ruled under Divine Law by Micah, the Third Eterna.
To the north lie the cold lands of Vasra, suffering from the disappearance of Micah about 4000 years ago. Over the years, the north became a complete frozen wasteland, unfit for both humans and Eterna to live. So the Eterna left, and the people were forced to move as south as possible, where some even moved abroad.
Ruled under Divine Law by Morekai, the Fourth Eterna.
South of Nirea and bordering with Dirantheal's Southern Archipelago, are the tropical lands and sand dunes of Khalu. Despite it being nearly the smallest civilized landmass, the country is blessed with a broad variety of ecosystems, mirroring it's close neighbour Dirantheal. The Khaal are a very friendly, welcoming people who never shy away from a celebrational night's out with family or friends.
The ghost lands of Ridjah, its name made up by humans for they can't pronounce the name given by Ilah.
Visible from any other country, Ridjah is impossible to reach by any manmade transportation. It serves as training grounds for young Eterna before they get assigned to serve under one of the Five. It's also to be believed that Eterna are created on the barren dry lands.
Gracious entities that once gave the most precious gift to humanity; the ability to live and strive as a unified civilization.
Plenty of scriptures, forms of arts and even influenced dreams have attempted to visualise what the Divines would look like. Many people have come to a general understanding and agreement as to how to portray them, but it’s still impossible to this day to create an accurate representation. They are considered merciful beings, and even thought They are not actively interacting with Their creations, some humans still worship and respect Them more than they worship the Eterna.
After the Dirantheal Crisis in 3502 aR, the Eterna were made to cure the damage that had been done to both humanity’s status and Ilah’s lands. They are human-hybrid beings made from Ilah’s essence on Ridjah, where they get developed in crystals. Once they’re born, they train to improve their basic skills and after a few months to years, they get sent to one of the other countries to serve their purpose.
They all have pitch black hair and white luminescent eyes with turquoise pupils. They have the ability to teleport fair amounts of distances by black mist. Each Eterna has their own signature weapon made from pure cosmic energy which they can conjure from the void parts on their bodies, which are mostly their lower arms and legs. These parts are immune to any form of damage, however, they are not immortal – despite them being able to live for thousands of years.
Eterna usually serve to protect humans against any influence of the Daemar, but it happens often enough for some Eterna to let their human side take over, fall in love and settle like their protégees. They cannot reproduce however, since they are still considered holy beings, but they are allowed to live their lives like humans do.
The demons from unknown origins, causing the terrors which lead to the Dirantheal Crisis. They are invisible to the naked eye, and therefore considered by people to be manifestations of human flaws, turning unfortunate victims into their worst selves. Not much else is known about them, other than they drag a human down with them each time a Daemar is eliminated.
What they look like is only known to Eterna, but they spare the visual details to any human asking about them. Once they do get to know, or worse, see a Daemar with their own eyes, they go mad.
Humans are Ilah's creation, and have been walking on His world for over ten thousand years. Blessed by the gift of life, they honor the lands under the guidance of the Eterna. They have numerous and rich cultures, native to each settlement they call their homes. While most of them live in cities, there are plenty of smaller villages and hamlets occupied, for those who desire a life of solitude.
Over the centuries, their societies blossomed, developping additional skills such as poetry and the arts to bring themselves closer to their Gods.
The Elesraen are a fair folk, rumored to have first existed on Ilah not long after humans were created. Not even Eterna know how they came to exist. They’re native to Aemin and – in the past – to Dirantheal as well. Asro and Emoraen in Aemin are the only settlements which have pureblood Elesraen. They all have blue eyes, accentuated with star-like sparkles and tanned skin. A key feature to their physical appearance is their necks, which are noticeable longer than average. While shades of brown hair is mostly common, some tribes in Asro have platinum to white hair.
While they show great affinity with the planet and what’s beyond, they don’t worship Ilah like humans do. They do however, acknowledge Him as a deity and His influential presence in the world.
Conlangs are a new passion of mine, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to make up my own for Ilah's inhabitants. These are all still work in progresses and I hope to expand these sections in the future.
Old Aemian
An old language which is still used by the Elesraen and Eterna to communicate with each other. It's used by Asro and Emoraen as universal tongue, but each have their own language. It was used by the people of Aemin until it got changed over time to what's now "New" Aemian. It's considered to be the First language, since Aemin was the first landmass that was created.
Native language of Dirantheal. It has multiple dialects, depending on the region. The south has more rougher sounds than up north.
Native language of Khalu. It's inspired by our world's semitic languages.
Spoken in the tropical lands of Khalu, it's also used in the Southern Archipelago of Dirantheal, mainly the Palms region which borders with Khalu's western forests.
Native language of the people from Aemin. Over time it got influences of other dialects due to migration.
Spoken by the Elseraen, heavy influenced by Alaënic and Ethräe and derived from Old Aemian. Over time the language got split in two dialects; one for Asro and one for Emoraen (which stays the most true to its origin language).
Spoken by the Eterna and can roughly be understood by Elesraen. It's a mix of Divine and human tongue, but with mostly liquid sounds.
Known as Ethräe in the native tongue.
The language of the Gods. Its phonology and grammar are way too complex to understand for any being.